How long does it take to recognize an image? What impressions of the city are triggered in the recipient of the film? Which images are perceived and how does the perception of the images change with repeated viewing?
The idea of the short film "Graz du bist so wunderbar" was to capture impressions of a city from an atypical perspective and to reproduce them in an unusual way that allows the recipient to reflect on his or her own perception of the city. Far too often, people walk blindly through their familiar surroundings, paying far too little attention to detail. But even after a long time of living and dwelling in one and the same place, there are still many things to discover. The art is in details, in the little things. Messages, pictures, art, individual places, buildings, sculptures, it all changes, develops, is transformed, just as a city on the whole is constantly changing. Places live and are revived. Through people they are shaped and formed into an individual character. Every place and every city has something special about it. To consciously perceive exactly that and to walk with open eyes through a city or a place where you may have already been a hundred or even a thousand times and still discover something new is easier than you might think.
The perception of change and the beauty of places in detail - that is what the short film is intended to show and raise awareness.
WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy.
Viewer discretion is advised.